38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39

North Carolina Charlotte Mission
Served from July 12, 2017 to July 19, 2019
Jon is Home!
Do not send any more letters or packages to any of Jon's mission postal or email addresses. He is now home and pursuing his college degree!
The Best District
Hello Everyone! This week was amazing! We had a great District Council on Wednesday which was amazing and the spirit was really there. Afterward we all pulled out food and had lunch as a District and took pictures since it was our last District Council of the transfer. I really am so thankful…
Read More + PicturesBusy, Tired, and Motivated
Hey Everybody! This week wasn’t too crazy, which was nice. That means that we had more time to work in our area and less time driving all over for meetings and exchanges. I felt really exhausted last night which is a good sign. It’s been a little while since I’ve really felt exhausted…
Read More + PicturesSo Much To Talk About
Hey Everyone! This week was full of so much greatness, so lets just jump right in. I don’t usually go through my week day by day, but today I just might have to! On Tuesday, we got to participate in a classic southern tradition. Out here, on New Years Day everyone eats…
Read More + PicturesHappy New Year!
Hey Everyone! This week has been pretty exciting! The highlight of my week was obviously being able to video chat with my family on Christmas day, which was so much fun! I love my family so much, and I am excited to eventually be home with them again. Until then, however, I have…
Read More + PicturesMerry Christmas!!!
Hey Everybody! As you probably heard, we had transfers last week and I found out that I am going to be staying here in Morganton for another transfer! In case you’ve lost count (like I did) this will be my 6th transfer in a row here, and I wouldnt want…
Read More + PicturesStaying in Morganton through January
This is Jon’s dad providing a quick update as he was not able to send one out this week. It seemed likely Jon would be transferred out of Morganton today since he has been there so long already. On Monday he learned that he is staying through January. For anyone…
Read More + PicturesSNOW!
Hey Everybody! Sorry I didnt write less. This is beginning to become a habit, haha. I will try harder to write each week. These last two weeks have been so packed full of events, it’s going to hard to capture it all, but here we go. Last week we had Interviews with…
Read More + PicturesThanksgiving!
Hey Everybody! This week was quite eventful, but I’m going to focus on the latter half of the week. We finally had a District Council and it was fantastic! We have the greatest group of missionaries now and it is going to make for an amazing transfer! All of the missionaries I’m with…
Read More + PicturesDivinely Designed
Sorry for being so bad at writing my emails! These last couple of P-Days have been just crazy busy. This week we had a large zone conference because Elder Stanfill of the Seventy came to our mission and gave a lot of trainings to our mission! There was some great stuff that he…
Read More + PicturesTwo Weeks In One!
Hey Everyone, This week has had so much packed into it, that I’m pretty sure we could have spread it out over two weeks and still felt busy, haha. It was a blast, but I sure am glad to have a slower week ahead! Last week we went to Charlotte for a…
Read More + PicturesSo Many Exchanges!
Hey Everybody! Sorry I failed to write anything last week, we went on a super fun hike and didn’t get home in time to write anything. I will be sure to attach some pictures from the hike though. The view was incredible! These last couple of weeks have gone by super quickly,…
Read More + PicturesIt’s Monday Again?
Hey Everyone! This week has been incredibly busy and crazy. I was actually surprised this morning when I realized that it was already Monday again! We have been all over the place lately. On Tuesday we had routine interviews with President Adler, which were great! I got some great advice…
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