The Best District

Hello Everyone!

This week was amazing! We had a great District Council on Wednesday which was amazing and the spirit was really there. Afterward we all pulled out food and had lunch as a District and took pictures since it was our last District Council of the transfer. I really am so thankful to have served with such an incredible group of missionaries these last few weeks.

On Friday we were heading to dinner when we felt like we should swing by some members of our church that I haven’t met yet. They turned out to be of Hmong heritage and they let us right in! They were about to make some Egg Rolls and so they taught us how to make them and even gave us a few to take home!

Sunday was amazing. We got to church to see that our new deaf friend was here, as well as a long time deaf member, and a deaf less active member that we had left a note for earlier in the week! It was great! I got to interpret more than usual as well since we were low on interpreters. We had a really powerful meeting. One person shared an incredible talk about how we need to be seeking to develop the “fruits of the spirit” in our own lives so we can be closer with the spirit on a day to day basis. It was really great. Our second talk was all about Forgiveness and forgiving others, and how that may very well be the hardest thing we’ve been commanded to do. Which also means that it provides some of the greatest blessings!

This Gospel is true, I know that. God loves us all, and wants us to be happy! I want you all to know just how much I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. If you want to know why, or how you can get to know him better, then I invite you openly to send me an email!

Until next week!
Elder Klingler

1-2. This District really is the best
3-4. There’s been lots of rain so we went to check out a nearby waterfall