Two Weeks In One!

Hey Everyone,

This week has had so much packed into it, that I’m pretty sure we could have spread it out over two weeks and still felt busy, haha. It was a blast, but I sure am glad to have a slower week ahead!

Last week we went to Charlotte for a meeting. It was really great, and they talked a lot about how to work better with your companions and gave a few suggestions of things that everyone should do with their companions. My companion and I are doing pretty well and we were already doing a lot of the stuff that they recommended we do, so we both feel pretty good right now that what we are doing is right.

On Wednesday our district all got together to do a big service project in Newton and we had a blast. Then in the evening we went to our ward building for the Trunk or Treat, which was a lot of fun. We were told not to dress up, so we decorated our trunk instead! It was so much fun! And we got to talk with so many people!

Thursday we had another huge meeting that took the entire day, and this time they focused on how to be creative in our efforts to find people to teach. It was really great and we both left with a lot of ideas of things to try out and do differently in our work.

Since half of our week was taken up by big events, we had to fit a whole week’s worth of lessons and visits into what little time we had available during the weekend. We were so busy, but in such a good way! I think that Friday was the most satisfying day of my mission. We were able to set up some amazing plans for the week to come, and also had 3 stellar lessons in
the evening that just felt so great!

On Sunday we had Stake Conference, which was great. We had a recent convert there that had expressed some concerns to us this week, but every talk was as if it were aimed right at him! Such a special experience to be able to witness and recognise that! I also got the opportunity to do some ASL interpreting for a couple of the hymns and for the closing prayer. I feel like I’m really getting the hang of it!

So many good things are happening here, I’m beginning to draw a blank on some of them, haha. This week is transfer week, but we got told this morning that my companion, Elder Bevans, and I will both be staying here in Morganton for atleast 6 more weeks, which is great! It also means that while everyone else is scrambling this week for transfers, we get to just have a regular week of working the area. I’m looking forward to it!

I hope everyone has an amazing week ahead!

Until next time,
Elder Klingler

1. Our scary trunk. Think about it, nothing is scarier than early Christmas Decorations! haha
2. A picture from the Thursday meeting
3. At the Thursday Meeting I met a Sister Missionary that is close with one of my best friends from Utah thats also currently on a mission, so we had to snag a picture to send to him. What are the odds?