38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39

North Carolina Charlotte Mission
Served from July 12, 2017 to July 19, 2019
Jon is Home!
Do not send any more letters or packages to any of Jon's mission postal or email addresses. He is now home and pursuing his college degree!
The Pollen Finally Stopped
Hey everyone! This week was really great because we got to have Zone Conference on Thursday and it was so incredible! President Adler is such an amazing and profound man. He always speaks on exactly what I am thinking about that week. Everything before Zone Conference is a blur, but…
Read More + PicturesMy Last General Conference
Hey Everyone! This week was pretty great, but this weekend was absolutely amazing! General Conference was this weekend and so many of the messages that were shared are still bouncing around in my head. We had Interviews with our mission president on Tuesday which went really well! Right after our…
Read More + PicturesBike Week Miracles
Hey Y’all! Often we talk about how much our Father in Heaven loves us, and all that he does for us. He created us, we are his children, and he loves us as such. Like most fathers, he helps us learn and grow and gives us rules to protect us.…
Read More + PicturesPrayers Answered!
Hey Everyone! This week was so amazing! These last few weeks have been full of hard work. The work here has really slowed down lately, and we have really had to fall on some desperate measures. We have been praying pretty hard for the last couple weeks as a companionship…
Read More + PicturesBiking In The Rain!
Hey Everybody, This week was pretty great! The weather was really nice for about half of the week and we had some good lessons. For the most part it was pretty much a normal, nice week until Friday came along. Friday was looking like it was going to be a…
Read More + PicturesI’m Running Out Of Ideas For Titles
Hey Everyone! This week was really great. We had a super fun District Council, the last one of the transfer, and it was a great time! We all have grown really close this transfer, which is why we are super excited that only two of our District members are getting…
Read More + PicturesQuick Week
Quick weeks make for quick emails! This week was awesome! We had so many amazing meetings this week, including both Zone Conference and Stake Conference. So much amazing stuff has been learned this week! I just hope I get chances to apply everything I’ve learned this week! I can give…
Read More + PicturesAn Old Dog Being Taught New Tricks
Hey everyone! This week was super great! We have been working pretty hard to get acclimated to this new area and things have been going alright, but this week was fantastic! We really got to see some great miracles this week. The vast majority of people i have taught thus far on…
Read More + PicturesB…B…Bike Week?!
Hey Everyone! This week has been super fun! I never thought I would miss biking, but this week was great! We share the car with another companionship so we get the car for a week and then we hand it off and bike for a week; and this week was…
Read More + PicturesFirst Full Week in Fort Mill
Hey Everybody! This was my first real full week here in Fort Mill, and it was a ton of fun! Fort Mill is way smaller than my area was in Morganton, so it has been a bit of an adjustment. I really like it here because it’s a new, dense and lively town…
Read More + PicturesHello Fort Mill
Hey Everyone! This has been a pretty bittersweet week! I had to say goodbye to so many amazing people in Morganton! I felt like I was leaving home all over again! There are so many people and experiences from Morganton that I will never forget. I learned a ton in my 9 months…
Read More + PicturesGoodbye Morganton
Hey Everyone, This week was so incredible! Roger, our deaf friend, asked us to show him around the church building after our Book of Mormon class on Wednesday and when we showed him the baptismal font he nodded his head in approval and then suddenly asked us which one of us will baptize…
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