An Old Dog Being Taught New Tricks

Hey everyone!

This week was super great! We have been working pretty hard to get acclimated to this new area and things have been going alright, but this week was fantastic! We really got to see some great miracles this week.

The vast majority of people i have taught thus far on my mission have come from a Christian background, which has made for a pretty fun experience and I’ve gotten pretty good at teaching to those kind of people. While here in Fort Mill we’ve been blessed to be a part of the conversion of a great man who grew up in a Hindu household, which has been an incredible and unique experience for all of us! It is so incredible to watch him just grasp the gospel as a child being taught for the first time, and in turn I’ve been able to learn a new way to teach the gospel! It’s been fun. He also came to church for the first time this Sunday and it was really great to see how the ward surrounded him and helped him feel comfortable there.

I hope y’all have an incredible week! Love y’all!

Until next week,
Elder Klingler

1. Some incredible members from my last area came down to visit me on their way to the temple! We were out doing service when they came so we were in service clothes.