38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39

North Carolina Charlotte Mission
Served from July 12, 2017 to July 19, 2019
Jon is Home!
Do not send any more letters or packages to any of Jon's mission postal or email addresses. He is now home and pursuing his college degree!
Happy 4th of July!
Hey everyone! This week was pretty fun! We went to the ward pancake breakfast on Wednesday which was a lot of fun! They were ready with enough food for about twice the number of people we had, so they gave us all of the extra pancakes… We can barely close…
Read More + PicturesNew Mission President?!
Hey Everyone! This week was a load of fun! It was transfer week and since President Alexander was going home and it was his last time doing transfers every area in our mission got switched up, all except us and 3 other companionships! So I am still with Elder Hyer…
Read More + PicturesA “Crazy” Busy Week!
Hey Everybody! So much has happened this week! Im not even sure where to start… On Thursday we had a huge Zone Conference with four zones! All four of those zones were the zones that I’ve served in so I got to see a lot of familiar faces! It was…
Read More + PicturesThe Appalachian Mountains
Hey Everyone, This week has been a bit of a whirlwind. I feel like I’ve been saying that a lot recently. Things just don’t ever seem to slow down here on the mission, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. This week I took a stab at interpreting for…
Read More + PicturesMore ASL
Hey Everyone! This week went really well! We worked really hard this week and we were able to see so many miracles! We took Brother Simmons from our ward to go meet James and it turns out that they already knew each other! As a result, they are now best…
Read More + PicturesPacking and Repacking
Hey Everyone! This week has been a ton of fun! I went on an exchange on Wednesday and went to Lenoir with my old companion Elder Olson! It was so much fun since it was our first time seeing each other since we served together about 7 months ago! It…
Read More + PicturesSign Language!?
Hey Everyone, This week has been really bittersweet. I got transferred again, this time up to a town called Morganton. I really enjoyed every moment of my time in Mooresville and I am going to miss everyone I met there. I never imagined that I would only be there for…
Read More + PicturesSunburns and Zone Conference
Hey Everyone! Sorry for missing last week again! These last few weeks have been so full of events and fun that it’s going to be hard for me to cover it all, so I will stick to the highlights. The weather has been heating up really fast lately and it’s…
Read More + PicturesMay The 4th Be With You
Hey Everyone! This week has been full of festivities since it was May the 4th (national Star Wars Day) so we had dinner with a family that is super into Star Wars and they had a full spread of Star Wars pun-filled foods. It was great. On Cinco De Mayo…
Read More + PicturesService, Exchanges, and more Service!
Hey Everyone, Sorry I missed last week, we had a big Zone Activity at a park in Gastonia last Monday that took most of the day. We had big picnic under a pavillion during a huge downpour of rain, and when everyone was done eating we all ran down to…
Read More + PicturesTransfers and Biking, Lots of Biking
Hey Everyone, This week was really bittersweet because I had to say goodbye to my old area and all of the amazing people I met there, but my new area is looking to be a really good few months! My new area is in a place called Mooresville which is…
Read More + PicturesJon has been transferred to Mooresville, NC
This is Jon’s dad just letting everyone know that he was transferred 30 miles north to Mooresville, NC. His new address is below and is also found on the front page of his blog https://missionaryjon.com/ Elder Jonathan Klingler 144 Galway Dr apt 104 Mooresville NC 28117
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