38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39

North Carolina Charlotte Mission
Served from July 12, 2017 to July 19, 2019
Jon is Home!
Do not send any more letters or packages to any of Jon's mission postal or email addresses. He is now home and pursuing his college degree!
The Missionary Super Bowl
Hey Everyone! The days continue to blend together as fast as ever, but it is all good because it means that we have been staying super busy! This week especially was jam-packed with lots of great things! Where to start?….. Well, this Thursday we went to do more service in…
Read More + PicturesNew Transfers And New Beginnings
Hey everyone, The crazy thing about transfers in the mission is that they involve a lot of prayer and contemplation. The Mission President wants to be sure that everyone is serving where the Lord wants them to be. SO, for some reason that I still dont really know, I am…
Read More + PicturesChoose Everyday To Have Joy
Hey Everybody! This week has been pretty normal, with not a lot of story to tell. We had our final District Meeting of the transfer and had an absolute blast taking pictures afterward. I’m going to miss our little group a ton! This week is transfer week and, before we…
Read More + PicturesThe Hurricane and Zone Conference
Hey Everyone! This week was full of adventure, thanks in no small part to Hurricane Florence. This week started out with a visit down to Charlotte which was fun and we got to catch up with a few old ward members while we were down there. It was not a…
Read More + PicturesPart of the Plan
Hey Everybody! This week we have been super busy everyday, which amazing! Unfortunately, that made this week go by super fast. So many amazing miracles are happening all around us, its incredible! Where to start… On Wednesday we had to go to another area for District Council, so we decided…
Read More + PicturesHigh On The Mountain Top
Hey Everyone! This week has been a little busier than usual, which is a good thing in hindsight. It’s been pretty stressful, but the spirit has been with us to help! The highlight of this week was that on Thursday we got the opportunity to go for Interviews with our…
Read More + PicturesWhen Life Gets Hard, You’re Doing It Alone
Hey Everyone! This week has been super fun, and like all of the best weeks it has blow by super fast! So much happened this week, and I am going to try my best to summarize it all for yall. We went to breakfast with some old missionaries that came…
Read More + PicturesThis Is Gonna Be Good…
Hey Everyone! This week has been grand! We had a last minute exchange early last week with the Zone Leaders and so I got to be with Elder Rives for the day which was a blast because he used to serve here in this area. I learned a lot on…
Read More + PicturesNo Matter How Busy!
Hey Everybody! This week has been really difficult. We have had some pretty wild days full of hard work and service, along with some really unexpected events that have caused us to have to replan our day a few times. Last Tuesday was a long day full of hard work…
Read More + PicturesA Shield Against Evil
Hey Everybody! This week has been extra spiritual! We had multiple opportunities this week to have some really great experiences, each one building off the former. Let me rewind a little. Last Monday we went up a nearby mountain and hiked up to an incredible waterfall. The view from the…
Read More + PicturesThe Power Of Testifying
Hey Everybody! This week has been pretty wild. The first half of the week consisted of some really unexpected situations that I never thought I would experience on the mission, all of which branched from us having to to stop teaching one of our people and him not taking it…
Read More + PicturesBroken Heart & Contrite Spirit
Hey Everyone! This week we have been super busy, and I am exhausted; but I’m also really excited to look back on it. Let us begin! Last Monday we got to go up a little ways into the mountains and spend PDay at the ward Scout Camp and helped out…
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