38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39

North Carolina Charlotte Mission
Served from July 12, 2017 to July 19, 2019
Jon is Home!
Do not send any more letters or packages to any of Jon's mission postal or email addresses. He is now home and pursuing his college degree!
The End Is Nigh
Hey Everyone! These last two weeks have been the fastest and most action-packed weeks yet. We made a couple trips into Charlotte, worked and sweat like crazy, ran to an unusual amounts of lessons, and laughed louder than ever. I absolutely love my mission! I now understand why returned missionaries…
Read More + PicturesOne Week To Go!
Hey Everyone. This is from Jonβs parents. By this time next week he will be home! We wanted to share the following information for those interested in hearing him report on his mission in church or drop by to visit with him in person. Jon will arrive home on Friday,…
Read More + PicturesFinal Interviews
Hey Everyone! This week went by so fast! I’m having a hard time remembering exactly what all happened! On Wednesday we had zone interviews, and I had my final interview with President Adler which was something different. Together we reviewed my past companions and areas which of course brought up…
Read More + PicturesMiracles Y’all!
Hey Y’all! Today we had a really fun time with the district playing Volleyball on a sand court! I think it was especially good at helping us build some friendships with each other since there are so many new people this transfer. We had a great time getting sandy and…
Read More + PicturesHappy Fathers Day!
Hey Everyone! This week was really fun. Elder Turner and I get a long really well and have lots of fun! He’s definitely a country boy and has lots of wild stories to prove it! It’s getting pretty hot now and the humidity has just been getting thicker and thicker!…
Read More + PicturesHumidity Strikes Again
Hey Y’all! Last week had pretty great start as we found out I would be staying here in one of the greatest areas for my last transfer! I seriously have been reminded every day this week just how lucky I am that I get to stay here to finish off…
Read More + PicturesThe Final Count Down
Hey Y’all! This week marks the beginning of my last transfer, and thus my final six weeks in the mission field… but enough about that! We got transfer news last night and I will get to stay here in Fort Mill for my last transfer which is going to be…
Read More + PicturesInterviews, Sushi, and Wilford Woodruff Day
Hey y’all! This week flew by for me this week because just so much happened! I got the amazing opportunity (just like every transfer) to have interviews with my Mission President this week, and I absolutely loved it! He is such an amazing and inspired man. Due to the nature…
Read More + PicturesUpdate
Hey Everyone! This week has been really fun! A lot happened this week so it went by even faster than normal! I’m going to try and keep my thoughts together here, so here we go! This week was full of so much opposition. I’m still recovering from a wrist injury…
Read More + PicturesA Berry Great Week π
Hey Everyone! This week was really great! Our zone is starting a new challenge this week called Wilford Woodruff Day, which is inspired by a story from when Wilford Woodruff was the mission president of the London England Mission. Basically each companionship in the zone will take turns spending a…
Read More + PicturesTime to Sprint
Hey Everyone! It seems like everywhere I turned this last week I’ve gotten a face-full of reminders about how I only have three more months on my mission. My mission president sent me a letter called the “Pledge to Sprint” which talks about how in the great Olympic Marathon of…
Read More + PicturesHappy Easter!
Hey Everyone! This week was super great! We had our last District Council of the transfer and had a blast. We made sure to take some pictures together since transfers are this week! Speaking of transfers, we found out that my companion, Elder Heathcote, and I are going to be…
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