38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39

North Carolina Charlotte Mission
Served from July 12, 2017 to July 19, 2019
Jon is Home!
Do not send any more letters or packages to any of Jon's mission postal or email addresses. He is now home and pursuing his college degree!
Happy New Years!!!
Hey Everybody, This week has just flown by for me, but I’ve been able to reflect a lot on the past year (as I’m sure many of you have) and the past 6 months I’ve gotten to spend out here on my mission, and I wish I could share everything…
Read More + PicturesMerry Christmas Y’all!
Merry Christmas Y’all! “It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, the AC was blowing because it’s Christmas in the South” We have had an incredibly eventful week full of fun and some really, just memorable experiences, HAHA. We spent a lot of yesterday evening at our…
Read More + PicturesRough Stuff
Hey Everyone! This week has been a super long week, atleast it has been for me. A member fed my companion and I on Wednesday night and we were both home sick for most of Thursday because we had Food Poisoning. Wednesday was actually a lot of fun, because we…
Read More + PicturesChewport’s Passing
Hey Everybody! This past week was a little crazy and my head is still a little frazzled but I’m going to try and make this email make sense haha. We had tranfers this week and I am still in Chester, so at the end of this transfer I will have…
Read More + PicturesSide Effects = Boldness
Hey everyone! This week has been a ton of fun for me, and I hope it has been for y’all too! We were able to go on campus at Winthrop University and we set up a little table along a busy path in the middle of campus. I can tell…
Read More + PicturesHappy Thanksgiving
Hey everyone! This week has been a lot of fun! We had the privilege to help someone move on Thanksgiving morning, which helped us work up an appetite before our thanksgiving lunch at a members house. The food was so good and she had made a myriad of pies for…
Read More + PicturesMy Feet Hurt
This week was full of craziness but also really fun. We got to go to zone Conference on Friday which was really cool to hear all of the stuff our leadership had to say about some of the changed going forward. Our mission has always been a bit of a…
Read More + PicturesUpdate
Amazing hike Last week the whole zone got together for a hike up Crouters Mountain and it was beautiful because the leaves were all just changing. The hike goes right to the point of the mountain and you can see everything from up there. I took the liberty of attaching…
Read More + PicturesAliens, Miracles, and Charity
This week was full of fun! On Halloween the church held a Trunk or Treat where kids trick or treat around the parking lot and everyone decorates their trunks to try and win the “Best Decorated Car” award. We may have spent more money than I wanted to, but our…
Read More + PicturesWe Now Cover Two Areas?!
Hey everybody! So transfers happened on Tuesday last week and I got a new companion! We had a blast working down in Chester together and it turns out he went to a high school not 5 minutes from where I went to school out in Irvine California! Two Californian companions…
Read More + PicturesBooths, Transfers, and Chicken Liver
Hey everyone! This week has been pretty fun. On Tuesday we went and set up a booth on Winthrop University campus to go try and talk with people; but after an hour of not seeing a single soul we discovered that they were on Fall Break… So we tried the…
Read More + PicturesMeetings, Batisms, and Pepperspray
This week was full of all kinds of excitement! Sorry if this post ends up being a little bit longer than usual. On Wednesday we got to take one of my most favorite members out with us to go visit some less-active people down in Chester and it was really…
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