When Life Gets Hard, You’re Doing It Alone

Hey Everyone!

This week has been super fun, and like all of the best weeks it has blow by super fast! So much happened this week, and I am going to try my best to summarize it all for yall.

We went to breakfast with some old missionaries that came back to visit the area, and it was a ton of fun! They were heading home that day after spending the whole weekend in the area because a recent convert here went to the temple with her husband and daughter!

Our whole district also each ate the Carolina Reaper (hottest pepper in the world), which was pretty fun.

We have been having so much fun teaching our friend Dethorn, and he is doing so great! The people here in Morganton have just wrapped their arms around him. One of our members even gave him one of their old suits which he wore to church this Sunday and he looked so good! My companion stepped into the restroom real quick so Dethorn and I stood in the hallway when another member walked by and asked if he was my new companion! It was super funny, but also understandable because he looked really good! It’s been so great to see how the gospel has helped him.

This Sunday at church we heard an incredible talk by a member of the Stake and he did an excellent job! He talked about how to be successful both temporally and spiritually, and the key first step is to have faith. Faith is necessary, both in yourself, and in our Heavenly Father. He said something really profound, and I’m sure he was quoting someone when he said it, but I forget who. He said that “when life gets hard, you’re doing it alone”. That short but simple phrase holds so much truth! We can do all things with our Heavenly Father’s help. It’s only hard when we try to do it on our own without his help. He brought up the song Jesus Take The Wheel, and this man said that “he actually likes to drive, and he wants to take us somewhere incredible” if we will but let him take control.

I love you all and hope you have an incredible week!
– Elder Klingler

1. The district moments before eating the Carolina Reaper
2-3. We keep finding waterfalls and continue to get great pictures!
4. We took the camera out today and got pictures around downtown